Sunday, December 29, 2013


I'm so jealous of all the women who love being pregnant, don't get me wrong I love knowing there is a little baby growing inside of me. I always wanted to be pregnant, dreamed about this day often. There was a time (for years) I didn't think I could have children and my husband always said it was just because I wasn't with him. And I guess its true because like 2 weeks after we got engaged I got pregnant! And the morning sickness hit me so fast, I swear it was like the day I conceived I started getting sick lol OK maybe not that soon but it felt that soon, my mom knew I was before I took the test. Don figured I was, I was totally in denial but secretly praying I was. So I stayed sick, with little to no energy. I had to quit my job because I stayed sick and couldn't sleep, because I was waking up at all times to throw up. Also I worked at a casino and that's no place to work when your pregnant.

 I couldn't take prenatal vitamins because the iron in them, so I  tried 4 different kinds and finally got the gummies with no iron in it. But then my iron was way to low, that's not fun at all!   So here I am jobless, depending on Don for everything, being pregnant, not really having any energy to do anything. I read all these blogs and see different pregnant woman who is just crafting away, creating and making their house spotless. It makes feel worthless really. What am I doing? Sitting here wishing I had the energy to do something crafty, cook homemade meals every day, have a spotless house, when in reality I'm just being lazy. This is not how I imagine my pregnancy would be like. I guess when you dream about something you really don't include all the sickness and bad parts of pregnancy or well anything do you?

We bought a house and I couldn't help move at all besides carry a little box or a lamp (something extremely light) because I would get yelled at.  I felt soo bad because we moved in a night with only Don and his sister. Then after we got the house, we had to fix up some things and I'm totally useless. I can't help do anything. I can't be in the room while he paints. I painted one little section of the nursery- but that's all I got done. He works all the time and when he isn't he is doing other projects that need to be done around the house. Like last night he worked on the washer (its a washer with dryer on top that came with the house) Its shoved in a tiny little hole in the hallway and its nearly impossible to move because there is no room - it took hours and hours to get the thing out fixed and back in the hole. Once again I'm useless I couldn't help him pick up on it and when I tried to help push I was just in the way. 

I'm at week 28 now my morning sickness went away for about a month and a half, and now its back I'm not throwing up but I feel like I got to a lot. My energy level is way down again I don't ever feel like doing anything I have to make myself and sometimes I'm not going to lie its a huge chore just to get out of bed.
Good note: I did manage for that one month to do unpack and decorate the house (thanks to my mom), then decorate for Christmas, but I still have boxes and boxes to go through in the garage.

And all I'm hearing is "You better get rest before the baby gets here" "Your not going to have energy to do anything after the baby is here so you better get it done before then" and stuff like that.

So if I don't have energy now, when will I? Never? I'm doomed forever lol. 
I have soo much to do on my list like paint the nursery, put up her crib, decorate the nursery.
Clean out the garage, organize the house better, finish decorating Jordans room, sew baby toys and clothes (well learn to sew).
I'm making and selling candles again - so I really need to get off the computer and clean house so I can make some more candles.

ahh I just wish my crafty side would wake up and well I guess my body as well. I have lots to do and very little time to do it......HELP lol